School/College/Classes Management System
Exitosys Technologies School/College/Classes Management System is the easy way to manage your institution online, allowing you to quickly manage and evaluate.
School/College/Classes Management System is an integrated management system which focuses on excellence and evolution in the field of Education. To achieve this our system is flexible and innovates the new trends in education management. Our is a diverse, demanding, and high quality educational management system where every user can discover and realize their potential to achieve overall development.
Features of School/college/classes Management System
Online Student Applications/Admissions :
Using our system you can accept students applications online and you can also do the admission process online.
Manage Student Acadamic Data Online :
Our system will help you to manage students acadamic data online smartly.
Manage Teachers Online :
With help of our system, it will be much easier to manage teachers details online.
Manage Multiple Branches :
If you school/class have multiple branches, our system will help you to manage multiple branches online.
Manage Classes with Division :
It will be much easier to manage classes and divisions of classes with help of our system.
Create and Maintain Online Report Cards :
Our system will help you to create and maintain online report cards.
Declare Result Online :
You can declare result online like SSC or HSC boards.
Parent Access :
Parents can assess their child data online. see the report cards and track students progress.
Online Notice board :
Our system has online notice board which sent automated SMS and Emails to all concern people.
Auto-generated SMS and Emails Alerts :
System sends auto-generated SMS and Emails on IMP activities.
Manage Fees, Dues and Expences Online :
Our system will also help you to manage fees of students, dues if any and office expences online.