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Society Management System

Society Management System

Society Management System is a tool to manage all your housing society operations online.

Features of Society Management System are as given below.

Manage Society Maintainance Online :
This feature will help you to manage all the activities of society online, like Collection of Maintainance, collection of panelty, collection of event contribution etc.

Online Notice Board with SMS and Email Notification :
This feature will help you publish the online notice on your domain. As you create notice SMS and Email notifications will be sent to all the flat owners, Tenents.

Keep the Track of Expences :
All accounting of the society expences will be done online. you can upload the bills online. All flat owners and Tenent can see the monthly and annual expences of society. This will improve the transperancy in management.

Multilevel Logins :
All the members of society will have logins on our system. Using which they can do all the activities on system. Logins Hierarchy will be as Chairman Secretory Members Flat Owners Tenents

Publish Defualters List Online :
Using our system Flat owners can see defaulters list who have not paid monthly maintainance. Flat owners will get recurring notifications/alerts if they are in defaulters list.

Commen Platform to interact :
Society members/flat owners will be private social platform where they can interact and share their thoughts.

Suggession Box :
Suggession box where flat owners and tenents can raise their concern to improve things in society.

Complain Box :
Complain box where flat owners and tenents can raise their complains so that management can solve the issues on time.

Vendor management :
If society has venders who provide their services to the society, it will be managed online according to their services.

Employee Management :
If society has onroll employees like security gaurds, Maintainance people(Cleaners).Society can manage their monthly salaries online.

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